where the focus is on whether a data visualization is accurate, relevant and understandable for the intended audience
EDS 240: Discussion 7
Peer feedback
Week 7 | February 18th, 2025
Consider high-level feedback . . .
where the focus is on whether a data visualization is accurate, relevant and understandable for the intended audience
. . . and detail-oriented feedback:
where the focus is on aesthetics choices (e.g. colors, typefaces, layout, themes, white space, etc.) and how those choices help to enhance / tell the story
Remember: all critiques should be accompanied by actionable recommendations for improvement!
With a partner:
In the last ~25 minutes of section, we’ll do a rapid fire share out of feedback. Please be prepared to share with the class:
Data viz thought exercise of the week
Consider how adding context can make your visualization more compelling / tell a more complete story
Watch this on your own time!