Artwork by Allison Horst
Pre-class Prep
Lecture Materials
There is no lecture this week!
Pre-discussion Prep
From here on out, we’ll be using discussion sections to share drafts of final project data visualizations and receive feedback from peers. Please complete the following before coming to section:
A. Prepare your data viz slide
HW #3, asks you to draft all three required visualizations for your chosen final project (HW #4) option. Find your assigned slide from the correct Google Slide deck (see table, under the Discussion Materials section, below) and add the following:
- one of your three visualizations
- the question that you’re using your visualization to answer
The visualization you bring should meet the HW #3 requirements (see #6 under the Description section) – this should be a well-constructed, carefully thought-through and polished plot. You should be prepared to discuss your design choices and receive constructive feedback from your peers.
B. Read up on how to give / receive feedback
Giving, receiving and implementing feedback is an important part of any creative process (including building data visualizations!). Review the tips in the drop down, below:
The following tips were largely adapted from this LinkedIn article.
For giving feedback:
- focus on the strengths / weakness of the visualization itself, not the person who created it
- balance positive and negative feedback, and start with the positives!
- stay objective when suggesting improvements (e.g. “This part might benefit from some clarity…”)
- be specific (e.g. instead of saying, “This chart is confusing,” point out exactly what is unclear or misleading)
- suggest actionable solutions and / or alternatives, rather than only problems or criticisms
For receiving feedback:
- receiving feedback can be stressful – this is a very normal feeling!
- listen carefully without disrupting / defending yourself
- take notes, ask questions, and thank your feedback giver(s)
- evaluate your feedback objectively to decide what to keep / reject / modify
For applying feedback:
- prioritize feedback based on relevance, importance, and feasibility
- create a plan and a timeline to implement
- critically evaluate / compare your before and after versions
- seek new feedback!
Please also read the following articles on critiquing data viz:
- Design and Redesign, by Fernanda Viégas & Martin Wattenberg
- A Better Path Toward Criticizing Data Visualizations, on PolicyViz
Discussion Materials
Discussion Slides | Exercise instructions | Exercise solutions |
D7 slides: critiquing data viz | NA | NA |
Google Slides for the 1pm Section & 2pm Section | NA | NA |
Assignment Reminders
Assignment Type | Assignment Title | Date Assigned | Date Due |
HW | Homework Assignment #3 | Tue 02/11/2025 | Tue 02/25/2025, 11:59pm PT |